Wednesday, December 11, 2019

January newsletter example

Room 6  January Newsletter

Dear Parents,

            Happy New Year! We look forward to enjoying 2020 and having your children keep learning, exploring, playing and building friendships in our Room 6 classroom.

In December, the children had fun participating in various projects based on Chanukah and learning about their shapes and colors. In class, the children learned about the dreidel and the menorah.  The highlight was the menorah lighting during circle time. The children sang and danced to a variety of Chanukah songs especially “I Have A Little Dreidel.” The children enjoyed pretending to spin like a dreidel. The children were very focused and engaged in using watercolors to paint and talking about colors while using their creativity during art.  They did many art projects such as gluing shapes, shape puzzles and listening to shape stories such as “Brown Rabbit’s Shape book” by Alan Baker.

 In January the children will be learning about winter. The main focus will be on winter clothes and why we need them to keep warm.  The children will do exploration while playing with snow if weather permits. We enjoy teaching your children and look forward to a fun month of January and the new start of 2019.

·         Please label all your child’s belongings.
·         Please make sure children have extra clothes at school.
·         Please bring winter clothes such as hats and mittens to go outside.
·         Please bring home nap bedding on Fridays.


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